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Anlan Qiu

Hello! I am Anlan Qiu, a 4th year Electronic and Information Engineering MEng student at Imperial College London. My interests lie in software engineering, machine learning and computer vision.

I am currently working on my Masters thesis, supervised by Prof. Krystian Mikolajczyk . I am designing a 3D data augmentation pipeline that relocates objects within a 3D point cloud scene to new feasible positions based on user text prompts.



Hypo3D: Exploring Hypothetical Reasoning in 3D
Ye Mao, Weixun Luo, Junpeng Jing, Anlan Qiu, and Krystian Mikolajczyk
[Project Page] [Arxiv] [Code]
Match Stereo Videos via Bidirectional Alignment
Junpeng Jing, Ye Mao, Anlan Qiu and Krystian Mikolajczyk
Arxiv, 2024
[Project Page] [Arxiv] [Code]
